Monday, June 9, 2008

~ being tag by Jason... first time... ><~

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
money, family, friends & someone (secret... hehe), my future & of course my doggies leh!!!

2. What is the last thing you bought with your own money?
wah... cant remember leh... food can ah??

3.Where do you wish to get married?
erm... anywhere? as long as its legal? hehe....

4. How old do you think you'll be permanently owned by your lover?
how old? u can plan how long u wan de meh? is that something call forever?

5. Are you in love?
erm... secret?

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
hong lim restaurant in ss15....

7. Name the latest book you bought?
tuesdays with morrie... (havent touch that book... hehe)

8. What is your full name?
Low Wen Yah

9. Do you prefer mother or father?
both la... duh...

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.
jolin? coz i wanna learn her dance step...

11. Christina or Britney?
both also dowan can?

12. Do you do your own laundry?
erm... nopz... dun even know how to use a washing machine... hehehe....

13. The most exciting place you want to go?
Japan & Taiwan!!! (Shopping!!)

14. Hugs or Kisses?

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
- crazy
- fair
- sissy (hehehe... dun find me ya)
- loyal to his gf
- wanna ppl to sayang and manja him a lot (especially from his gf)

16. 8 things I'm passionate about
- family
- money
- love
- studies
- dancing
- singing
- reading gu lin's novel
- shopping

17.8 things I say too often
- oh my god!!!
- walau!!!
- like this meh??
- wan meh??
- tata
- dun la...
- aiyerr...
- aiyoh....

18.8 books I've read recently
- marketing textbook
- 2 chinese novel
- no more d....

19.8 songs I could listen to over and over again
~ cry - rihanna~
~ unfaithful - rihanna~
~ zhu wo sheng ri kuai le - wen lan~
~ shui meng er fei - leo & kelly~
~ xi guan - yang cheng ling~
~ ting shuo ai qing hui lai guo - jolin~
~ yue ya wan - F.I.R~
~ christmas in my heart - sarah connor~

20.8 things I learnt last year
~ everything about spm?? ( 10 Subjects)~

21.8 people you tag
~ Gim Gim~
~ Justin~
~ Lavynnia~
~ Mei Wah~


Anonymous said...

Will i don't do this survey? XD